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Rydyn ni wastad yn hapus i glywed syniadau newydd.

Rydyn ni’n caru cysylltu gyda phobl newydd ac archwilio partneriaethau newydd ar gyfer pobl gydag anableddau dysgu a/neu awtistiaeth. Rydyn ni wastad yn chwilio am ffyrdd newydd i greu  theatr, ffilmiau byr a gweithdai beiddgar ac uchelgeisiol.

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The project inspired both workshop leaders and pupils alike, working in harmony many new friends were made. Pupils from the main stream schools commented that the project had given them a better understanding of special educational needs and disability. In turn, two of the workshop leaders were given the opportunity to overcome their disabilities and put their teaching skills into practice. We need more of these inspiring projects!

Os hoffech chi trafod syniad, cysylltwch a ni.